Ascended your Guildies (Ascension)
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Ascension is the powerhouse of the PixelGuild Economy, a function to allow users to Stake & Earn $PIXEL passively with their Guildie NFTs!
The legend says that 3 Guildies with Staffs are able to ascend another Guildie to be Ascended!
Get ready to earn $PIXEL with your Ascended GUILDIES!
Having Staff Guildies as allies will prove to be of crucial help for the player in ascending their Guildies! Owning $PIXEL will also be a requirement for the ascension ritual. Head to the Ascension Chamber, and once you've been granted access select the Guildie you wish to Ascend!
Once a Guildie has been Ascended, you'll be able to STAKE your ascended Guildie to earn $PIXEL.
So far in the quest, $PIXEL can only be acquired by swapping $GOLD at the Black Market. Ascension enables users to Ascend their Guildies, and then stake them to passively earn $PIXEL.The $PIXEL they earned will be used within the PixelGuild Store to purchase cosmetics/loot boxes and other goodies which aren't otherwise available.
There are two ways you can ascend your Guildie NFT.
Ascension Ritual
You can perform an Ascension ritual that only requires 30 $PIXEL to Ascend but you need to also own 3 Staff Guildies of the same race as the NFT you want to ascend. Your Staff Guildies are not consumed and can be used multiple times to ascend your entire collection.
Force Ascension
It is possible to ascend a Guildie without a ritual but at an increased cost of 60 $PIXEL per NFT ascended.
You must pay the $PIXEL cost each time you want to ascend, if you remove your token from the ascension pool, you will need to re-pay the cost to ascend it again.
Staff Guildies can be used multiple times to ascend your entire collection of the matching race.
Let's say you have 10 Orc Guildies, if you had 3 Orc Staffs as well it would only cost you 300 $PIXEL to ascend your collection. Without 3 Staffs, it would cost you 600 $PIXEL.
Ascension Rewards are decreased over time, the earlier you ascend the more $PIXEL you will earn.
Once the staking emissions have been completed, ascension emissions will be sourced from $PIXEL that is spent in the customisation store.
In the future you'll be able to RENT Staffs from other players to access Ascension
Ascended Guildies have a claim to the 1,066,560 $PIXEL that will be rewarded for locking up your Guildie NFTs into the Ascension Staking pool. This supply of $PIXEL will decrease periodically over 4 stages, ensuring our most dedicated community members who can Ascend before everyone else will be rewarded the most.
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Emissions halve once the $PIXEL allocated for that tier of emissions runs out.
Once the complete sum of the emissions tokens has been distributed to ascended and staked Guildies, emissions will stem from the $PIXEL used within the in-game $PIXEL item store.
Those who are early to Ascend are rewarded heavily!
PS: All numbers within Ascension will be adjusted as needed as we progress to ensure demand and supply are kept fair.
The rarity of each Guildie NFT is respected and rewarded by earning a multiplier on the $PIXEL emissions received for that token.
Top 1%
Top 5%
Top 15%
Top 35%
Top 60%
Everything else
These rarity calculations will be made by looking at the entire collection, and not rarity within each race. Race-specific rarity is the default rarity we will use across the project but in order to be compatible with online NFT trading tools like rarity, in this scenario, rarity will be calculated using the entire collection.